Heating Oil Price Today (HO=F)
2023.03.04 04:14
Any oil or petroleum product used for heating is considered heating oil. oil for fuel. It is most frequently used to describe low viscosity grades of fuel oil that are used in boilers and furnaces to heat homes and other buildings. HHO is a common abbreviation for home heating oil.
Chemically, most heating oil products are very similar to diesel fuel used in cars; Fuel taxes are typically higher for motor fuel. Heating oil in many nations contains fuel dyes that enable law enforcement to determine whether a driver is evading fuel taxes. In the European Union, Solvent Yellow 124 has been added as a “Euromarker” since 2002; In the United Kingdom, untaxed diesel is referred to as “red diesel.”
Heating oil is typically transported to residential, commercial, and municipal buildings by tank truck and stored in above-ground storage tanks (also known as ASTs), which can be found in the basement, garage, or outside the building. Unlike ASTs, it is occasionally kept in underground storage tanks. Due to their lower price, ASTs are utilized in smaller installations. The use of heating oil as an industrial fuel or for power generation is less common.
Tank and piping leaks pose a threat to the environment. The proper transportation, storage, and burning of heating oil, which is categorized as a hazardous material by federal regulators, is subject to a number of state and federal regulations.