U.S. FAA vows ‘immediate action’ after Capitol security scare
2022.05.25 22:01
FILE PHOTO: A military aircraft is seen from the baseball stadium Nationals Park during a performance by the parachute team the Golden Knights, in Washington, U.S., April 20, 2022, in this picture obtained from social media. @dcgrasstracker/via REUTERS
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) told Congress it has taken “immediate action” to ensure U.S. Capitol Police are aware of unusual aerial events after an April 20 small airplane flight that prompted a security scare.
FAA Acting Administrator Billy Nolen said in a letter to Congress that it will provide advance notification of special event flights in the Washington-area.
The agency believes “this will provide all of our interagency partners with the extra time necessary to reduce any potential confusion,” the letter said.
A single-engine plane flying the U.S. Army’s Golden Knights parachute demonstration team over a baseball game last month was mistaken for a potential security threat and prompted the U.S. Capitol’s evacuation.