The Crypto Catalyst
2022.06.17 09:40
The past seven trading days have been absolutely . Never in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our , has anything like this happened before. It’s honestly incredible.
Yes, there are reasons the markets rally, and perhaps do so . But……….and this is a big but……… my opinion (which has been pretty damned priceless lately), if for some reason Ethereum breaks $1,000 or Bitcoin breaks $20,000, I think you’re going to see a total washout across the asset spectrum.
BTC Chart
ETH Chart
Why? For the same reasons I’ve been citing all year: ANIMAL SPIRITS. Some of you didn’t believe me before, but just like I predicted, the moment ETH broke $1705, all hell broke loose across the entire financial world.
You want a meaningful recovery? Easy. Have ETH climb its way back to $1700. I guarantee stocks will go right along for the ride.
But break $1,000? My whining about not being shorter will be worse than ever.