Remote work helped disabled people to find job
2023.02.25 02:11

Remote work helped disabled people to find job
By Ray Johnson – The pandemic’s push for remote work helped the disabled employment rate reach an all-time high last year.
According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Thursday, employment rates for disabled individuals increased to 21.3% in 2022. This represents the greatest increase since 2008, when comparable data were first published, and is more than two percentage points higher than in 2021.
The national unemployment rate decreased last year, as did the rate for disabled people. Additionally, while the labor force participation rate increased for people without disabilities, it increased by three times as much for disabled people.
More details: Disabled Americans Benefit from Remote Work in Record Employment Daily responsibilities like commuting and navigating an office environment can be challenging for individuals with disabilities. More disabled people applied for jobs and were hired, sometimes for the first time in years, as businesses adopted hybrid and remote work arrangements.
According to the BLS, the recent push by businesses to encourage workers to return to the workplace may jeopardize the progress made by disabled people, who make up about 12% of the population. In June of last year, McKinsey & Co., a consulting firm, estimated that 35% of businesses offered a fully remote option.
According to the BLS report, disabled people still have a lower overall employment rate than their non-disabled peers, and they are twice as likely to work part-time. They are also more likely to be independent contractors.