Economic news

German Finance Minister outraged by coalition budget demands

2023.02.20 14:54

German Finance Minister outraged by coalition budget demands
German Finance Minister outraged by coalition budget demands

German Finance Minister outraged by coalition budget demands

By Kristina Sobol – In a TV interview on Monday, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner told Reuters that his coalition partners’ budget demands are too high and “simply unrealistic.”

In response to a question regarding budget negotiations between his own business-friendly FDP, the center-left SPD, and the Greens, Lindner stated to Reuters, “Their wishes are disconnected from the economic fundamentals.”

According to Lindner, the requested additional spending was approximately 70 billion euros, or $70.78 billion, more than the previous plans.

The demands, according to the finance minister, will increase by 100 billion euros annually starting in 2025.

“It doesn’t have anything to do with the real world,” Lindner said, adding that these requests lacked the ability to be funded with charge increments.

Contrary to the other two coalition partners, Lindner strongly opposes any such move.

According to people familiar with the situation, the new Defense Minister Boris Pistorius wants 10 billion euros more for the defense budget in the coming year. Without providing specific numbers, Lindner stated that he supported increasing defense spending. Nonetheless, what is clear is that 10 billion euros more in 2024 than now is a ridiculous figure,” he said.

According to Lindner, in order for this additional funding to be possible, defense spending would need to be prioritized, which would mean less money would be available for other areas.

In addition, municipalities are requesting several billions of dollars in additional funding to care for the Ukrainian refugees. According to Lindner, the federal government already provides for several hundred thousand people. As a result, I would say that the German government has already demonstrated its commitment more than adequately,” he stated.

According to Lindner, Germany now has to pay 40 billion euros in annual interest payments as a result of rising interest rates to control inflation.

According to Lindner, “We don’t have the money for future tasks because we have to pay the debts from the past.” It’s time to end this policy.

German Finance Minister outraged by coalition budget demands

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