French President supports abortion rights in Constitution
2023.03.08 13:32

French President supports abortion rights in Constitution
By Ray Johnson – On Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron stated that he supported incorporating the right to abortion into the constitution, claiming that doing so would demonstrate solidarity with women all over the world.
At a ceremony to honor Tunisian-born French feminist and lawyer Gisele Halimi, who died in 2020 at the age of 93, Macron made the announcement on International Women’s Day. She was a firm supporter of the right to have an abortion.
According to Macron, “I hope the strength of this message helps us change our constitution and enshrine in it the freedom of women to seek an abortion… so that nothing can hinder or unravel what will be irreversible.”
He stated that as a result, “a universal message of solidarity will be sent to all the women who today see this freedom crushed.”
The decision was made after the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which recognized women’s constitutional right to abortion, was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in June.
Although the Senate called it a “right” to abortion and the National Assembly called it a “freedom,” both houses of the French parliament have already voted in favor of enshrining the right in the constitution.
In the coming months, according to Macron, a bill to amend the constitution would be presented to parliament.
In a landmark case in 1972, Halimi won the acquittal of a minor accused of aborting her pregnancy after being raped.