Dutch will not conduct stress tests for non-banking organizations-Central Bank
2022.12.14 05:27
Dutch will not conduct stress tests for non-banking organizations-Central Bank
Budrigannews.com – A spokesperson for the Dutch central bank, DNB, informed Reuters that the bank has no new plans to stress test non-bank financial institutions for liquidity.
The Bank of England said on Tuesday that it would stress test non-bank financial institutions like investment funds for the first time next year in order to learn from the near-meltdown in Britain’s pension fund industry in September, when a budget announcement sent asset prices plunging.
In response to questions from Reuters, a spokesperson for the central bank stated, “DNB has no plans for new initiatives with regard to liquidity stress-test non-bank financial institutions.”
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According to the spokesperson, pension funds are subject to regular reporting on how interest rate and currency shocks affect their liquidity risks as part of the regular supervision provided by the central bank.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development says that the $2 trillion pension fund industry in the Netherlands has the most assets in the EU.