Commodities and Futures News

Cannabis ‘Census’ in the US

2022.11.22 12:41


Cannabis ‘Census’ in the US – In the 2022 census of agriculture, which was launched on Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will collect data for the first time on farmers who grow hemp and use technology to guide their farming decisions.

Donald Buysse, chief of the census planning branch at the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), an agency of the USDA that administers the survey, stated that the census, an effort to count and gather information about every farm and ranch in the nation that is conducted every five years, is crucial to USDA’s funding and policy decisions.

Buysse stated, “There’s nothing that comes close to it in terms of the comprehensive nature of the census.”

This census will be the first to publish data on hemp producers, who grow the crop for fabric, food products, and cannabidiol (CBD). USDA began regulating hemp production in 2021.What’s more, the office will recognize ranchers who use “accuracy farming,” information assortment innovation that guides establishing choices.

Since farmers of color have historically been underrepresented in the census, Buysse stated that NASS will make a special effort to collect data from them.Buysse stated that community organizations and regional and state offices will collaborate to reach Black farmers in the Southeast, among other groups.

According to Buysse, approximately 70% of the nation’s 2.2 million farms participated in the 2017 census, and response rates have been decreasing.He stated that although farmers are required by law to complete the survey, NASS lacks an enforcement mechanism.

He stated, “The incentive (is) the concept that you are providing data as a useful tool for your community).”

USDA will gather reactions until Feb. 6 and plans to distribute the information in February 2024, said Buysse.


Cannabis ‘Census’ in the US

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