Brazil’s Presidential Candidates face Threats
2022.09.21 07:39

Brazil’s Presidential Candidates face Threats
By Tiffany Smith – Duda Salabert, a congressional candidate from Brazil, carefully arranges the newspaper articles that were sent to her in August at the headquarters of her campaign. On many of the pages, Nazi swastikas and vulgar expressions have been written over her picture.
One of them states, “You pose a threat to society.” You must immediately be isolated, preferably in a concentration camp.
According to Salabert, 41, all of the threats are connected to her transgender identity, which has made her a target of ridicule from right-wing groups.
According to Bruna Benavides, a researcher, about 80% of the more than 30 trans candidates tracked by the National Association of Travesties and Transgender People (ANTRA) have received threats or been intimidated during this election cycle.
Brazil has seen an increase in political violence this year, with candidates and supporters confronted with a flurry of threats and assaults. During the 2018 campaign, Jair Bolsonaro, the incumbent president, was nearly stabbed to death.
However, candidates and human rights organizations told Reuters that there has been a significant rise in politicians who have been specifically targeted for their gender identity in advance of the election on Oct. 2.
Salabert, the first transgender person to be elected to Brazil’s Congress, stated, “Within the first ten days of my campaign, I received four death threats, all signed with Nazi symbols.” Political violence against me increased dramatically between 2018 and 2022.
In the southeastern city of Belo Horizonte, Salabert and her family now travel everywhere with a team of bodyguards, an armored vehicle, and bulletproof vests, all of which, according to Salabert, cost about 20% of her campaign funds. The security team was provided by City Hall, but her campaign pays for meals, fuel, and other costs.
She stated, “Most other candidates do not need to worry about that.”
According to Human Rights Watch researcher Cesar Munoz, Black women and LGBT individuals, particularly trans women, are frequently the targets of political threats and violence.
Benavides of the ANTRA organization in Rio de Janeiro stated, “Attacks on trans candidates, especially threats against transfeminine identities, are much more intense, violent, and numerous than against any other candidate.”
Salabert is one of many trans Brazilians who refer to both their trans and Brazilian identities as “travesti,” a reclaimed pejorative term.
Advocates claim that the right-wing government of Bolsonaro, who once stated that he would rather have a dead son than a gay son, has provided trans politicians with little to no protection.
Munoz stated, “Political parties frequently do not take these threats seriously, particularly against trans women.” They must perform better.”
When asked about the threats or the measures taken to protect candidates, neither the government nor the federal police responded.
Eight transgender and travesti candidates who had experienced harassment or intimidation on the campaign trail were interviewed by Reuters.
Erika Hilton, a Sao Paulo city councilwoman running for Congress, is always surrounded by a full security team.
Hilton wrote in an email, “They’re all anonymous threats that arrive via e-mail or phone calls.” There are also requests that I leave politics, give up my candidacy, or stop promoting investigations against Jair Bolsonaro, in addition to threats of bombing, burning down my house, and killing myself.”
After receiving death threats, Benny Briolly, who was elected to the Niteroi city council in Rio state last year, had to leave the country for two weeks.
Salabert recently found a spot for lunch and was greeted by well-wishers at a Belo Horizonte shopping mall. Whenever strangers came up to her for a hug or a picture, her five bodyguards remained close by.
Salabert claimed that neo-Nazi threats cost her her position as a high school literature teacher in 2018 and that such harassment was incompatible with her goals.
Salabert, who won more votes in 2020 than any other candidate for city council in Belo Horizonte’s history, said, “Your threats won’t intimidate us.” I have every opportunity to win the most votes this country has ever seen.”