A grenade launcher from Ukraine was subject of explosion in Poland
2022.12.17 11:11
A grenade launcher from Ukraine was subject of explosion in Poland
Budrigannews.com – According to private broadcaster RMF FM, Poland’s top police officer claimed that a grenade launcher was the cause of an explosion in his office and that he had received two of the weapons as a gift from Ukraine.
There had been no prior confirmation from Poland’s interior ministry or prosecutor’s office of media reports that a grenade launcher was the cause of the explosion that occurred on Wednesday at the police headquarters in Warsaw.
The blast, which resulted in the hospitalization of Police Commander in Chief Jaroslaw Szymczyk, was the subject of an investigation, according to the prosecution.
Szymczyk told RMF FM, “There was an explosion when I was moving the used grenade launchers, which were gifts from the Ukrainians.”
He claimed to be upright-positioning the launchers at the time.
According to a source who was part of a Polish delegation that went to Ukraine, during his visits to the Ukrainian police and the State Emergency Service, Szymczyk received two launchers as gifts.
According to a source who spoke with RMF, the officials had assured the Polish delegation that the launchers were not loaded, so the delegation drove them back to Warsaw and left them in the back room of Szymczyk’s office.
Reuters couldn’t freely affirm this adaptation of occasions. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the Ukrainian police did not immediately respond to requests for comment. It was not immediately possible to obtain a response from a spokesperson for the Polish police.
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The incident has resulted in criticism directed at Szymczyk, with Polish media citing security-related commentators as saying that military equipment should not have been brought into an office or brought into Poland from outside the European Union.