Why Countries with natural resources do not want to preserve nature
2022.12.17 11:53
Why Countries with natural resources do not want to preserve nature
Budrigannews.com – Amazon’s tangled lands (NASDAQ:) rainforest, high heaps of the Himalayas, and cloud-covered timberlands are only a portion of the extraordinary scenes held inside the world’s most nature-rich countries. Experts assert that preserving these ecosystems could aid in the preservation of the planet.
At a U.N. summit this week in Montreal, governments are attempting to come up with a new global agreement to guide conservation and wildlife protection through 2030. Five of the nearly 200 nations that have come together are thought to be among the most biodiverse nations in terms of the number of distinct species they have.
According to data compiled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, BirdLife International, and the United Nations Environment Programme, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Mexico, and Colombia each have more than 131,000 plant species, approximately 6,000 birds, and nearly 3,000 mammals. That is more than half of all bird and mammal species and more than a third of all flowering plants in the world.
In any case, that is not really to the point of gathering them any unique treatment in the discussions, specialists said, which run on an agreement premise meaning all gatherings should concur.
Alfred DeGemmis, an international policy expert with the Wildlife Conservation Society, stated, “We don’t want to say that Brazil’s biodiversity is worth more than, say, Mongolia.” Biodiversity is important in every country.
However, he stated, “there is a need to listen to those countries who will have significant responsibilities when it comes to biodiversity in the finance space,” noting that any new agreement must be implemented by nations with a lot of nature.
What some of the nations with the most natural resources on the planet want to happen at the talks are the following.
Brazil is home to about 60% of the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, which is home to charismatic animals like the giant anteater, two-toed sloth, and poison dart frog.
Brazil has advocated financing in the U.N. talks in order to maintain the protection of approximately half of the entire Amazon Basin.
With $100 billion per year, or 1% of global GDP, flowing from wealthy nations to developing nations until 2030, developing nations are requesting that a fund be established to support their conservation efforts.
The Brazilian delegation stated at a meeting on December 10 that any deal “must be accompanied by approval of a commensurately robust package on resource mobilization.”
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Although Brazil has some protection for more than a third of its land, it has not yet formally supported the 30-by-30 global agreement, which would protect 30% of land and sea by 2030.
CHINA China is in charge of this year’s summit, and the talks were originally planned to take place in Kunming, a city in Yunnan province with steep mountain gorges and towering karst cliffs.
If China wants the negotiations to go well, they need to find a balance and reach an agreement with all parties.
“Since they are president they, in all honesty, need to be … a tad back from being too clearly on [finance] issues,” said Norway’s Clergyman of Environment and Climate Espen Barth Eide.
The establishment of a $237.47 million fund to support nature conservation in developing nations was announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping last year.
25% of China’s land has been designated as “ecological conservation areas.” However, 30-by-30 has not yet been supported.
COLOMBIA Despite the fact that decades of civil war prevented field research from taking place in a significant portion of the country’s jungles, scientists are still mapping out the entirety of Colombia’s biodiversity.
Numerous brand-new plant species have been discovered in Colombia’s forests since a peace agreement with the FARC was reached in 2016.
At the talks, Colombia is arguably the most ambitious and biodiverse nation. The government is strongly advocating for the inclusion of indigenous people and local communities in the final agreement and backs the 30-by-30 goal.
During a meeting on Friday, Colombia’s Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Susana Muhamad, stated, “The least we can do — the minimum for the survival of species — is to protect at least 30%, based on science.” It ought to be 50%.
MEXICO is a country in North America with a variety of landscapes, including cloud forest, jungle, dry desert, and mangrove swamps.
The Mexican delegation has taken a fairly progressive approach to the talks and is in favor of the 30-by-30 goal, with approximately 15% of lands protected at the moment. The divisive goal of eliminating pesticides has sparked opposition from China and Brazil, which the negotiators say they also want to see numerical targets for.
Mexico, on the other hand, has been less eager to discuss reducing consumption’s environmental impact.
Scientists assert that the forest nation of Indonesia, which is comprised of more than 10,000 islands, has made a fortune from palm oil, frequently at the expense of the nation’s critically endangered orangutans.
According to a 2018 study published in the journal Current Biology, the orangutan population on the island of Borneo, which is shared by Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei, was reduced by half between 1999 and 2015 due to habitat destruction caused by palm oil plantations, logging, mining, and hunting.
By the end of this decade, the nation has stated that it will protect approximately 10% of its territorial waters. It is the only large forest nation in which deforestation is currently decreasing.
During talks on Friday, Indonesia’s Deputy Environment and Forestry Minister Alue Dohong stated, “Indonesia supports voluntary commitments with appropriate flexibility based on national circumstances.”