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70 countries will meet discuss assistance Ukraine

2022.12.13 01:03


70 countries will meet discuss assistance Ukraine – As Russian forces target civilian infrastructure across the country, Ukraine’s allies will meet in Paris on Tuesday to provide urgent assistance to the country to help it weather the icy winter.

Between now and March, approximately 70 countries and institutions will discuss what can be offered to maintain water, food, energy, health, and transportation.

What can be invested and done in the short to long term will be examined at a second meeting between France, Ukraine, and approximately 500 businesses.

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A French diplomat briefed reporters ahead of the meeting and stated, “Since October, we have had Russia trying to compensate for the difficulties it is experiencing on the front with a series of intensive bombings that are targeting not the military infrastructure, but very clearly the civilian infrastructure of Ukraine.”

He stated, “When winter is already here, this situation puts Ukraine in great difficulty.”

He added that preventing the collapse of the electricity network and the freezing of water pipes was the immediate priority.

He stated, “The fact of the matter is that our objective will be to find replacement pieces to ensure that the infrastructure that has been destroyed by the Russians works again.”

According to the diplomat, the international meeting will look into creating an online mechanism so that Ukraine can list its urgent needs and donor nations can respond accordingly.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy will address the gathering by video connection and his better half, Olena Zelenska, will go to face to face.

The conference comes amid criticism of French President Emmanuel Macron from some European allies and Ukraine itself regarding French policy on Ukraine and the question of whether France is a weak link in the Western alliance that has been supporting Kiev against Russia’s invasion.

Macron’s blended messages on Ukraine have caused irritation that has become progressively open in a few east European capitals. The French presidency has denied this, stating that his remarks, particularly those regarding providing Russia with security guarantees, are misunderstood and that Paris has never wavered in its support for Kyiv.

70 countries will meet discuss assistance Ukraine

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